Embodywear Fashions

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The Goddesses - Part 4: Honoring Quan Yin

Quan Yin, who’s name translates to “she who hears the cries of the world” is the Goddess of Compassion. She is the perfect Goddess for these times as we are reminded to show compassion, not only for others, but, more importantly, for ourselves. These are trying, stressful, and uncertain times and we must do our best to take care of ourselves so we can be there to help and comfort others.

So this month I especially encourage you to be kind to yourselves - take a hot bubble bath, a walk around the block, an online yoga or exercise class, crank up the volume and dance to your favorite music. Learn something new - take out a pen and paper and doodle. And if taking care of yourself means just staying in bed, sleeping late, binging on your favorite movies or TV shows, do so with abandon and without any guilt.

Full disclosure, yesterday, I did my at home exercise routine, learned a new Photoshop technique, ate half a box of Girl Scout Thin Mints, did too many online card games, read a book, played with the cat, watched TV, and checked in with a good friend. Balanced? Maybe, maybe not, but, like you, putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. Have a blessed day!
