Dancing with Quan Yin
A Picture of the Quan Yin set , Women's Activewear Sets, Embodywear Fashion USA

Yesterday I introduced Quan Yin as this month’s Goddess with the message of being compassionate with yourselves. Today - kick it up a notch and turn on those tunes and dance away your worries.

Quan Yin’s Lotus Flower collection is perfect for this - shorts, crop top, and kimono! All at an additional 10% off all this month.

Kathy BealComment
The Goddesses - Part 4: Honoring Quan Yin

Quan Yin, who’s name translates to “she who hears the cries of the world” is the Goddess of Compassion. She is the perfect Goddess for these times as we are reminded to show compassion, not only for others, but, more importantly, for ourselves. These are trying, stressful, and uncertain times and we must do our best to take care of ourselves so we can be there to help and comfort others.

So this month I especially encourage you to be kind to yourselves - take a hot bubble bath, a walk around the block, an online yoga or exercise class, crank up the volume and dance to your favorite music. Learn something new - take out a pen and paper and doodle. And if taking care of yourself means just staying in bed, sleeping late, binging on your favorite movies or TV shows, do so with abandon and without any guilt.

Full disclosure, yesterday, I did my at home exercise routine, learned a new Photoshop technique, ate half a box of Girl Scout Thin Mints, did too many online card games, read a book, played with the cat, watched TV, and checked in with a good friend. Balanced? Maybe, maybe not, but, like you, putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. Have a blessed day!


Kathy BealComment
Staying Grounded
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Terra, the Mother Earth Goddess is one of my personal favorites. For me, she is all about being grounded. When I wear my Terra capris, I plant my feet firmly on the earth and imagine them becoming roots that grow deep into the earth. This completely grounds me and I become fed by mother earth’s energy. Needless to say, I’ve been doing this alot lately. What are you doing to stay grounded in these shifting times?

And, just a reminder - Terra’s clothing is on sale this month at an extra 10% off our already low prices.

Kathy BealComment
Can't go to the gym?

For the past year, I’ve been doing my strength training at the local gym 3 times a week. Now, it is closed for the at least three weeks, I’ve been searching for ways to do my strength training at home.

There are lots of videos out there, yoga burn, for instance, and even Peloton has an app , but most of these require a paid subscription.

The best one I’ve found so far is from TravelStrong, called 101 Bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere. I’ll be working with these exercised in the coming days and will let you know how it goes. And full disclosure, I did order some exercise “resistance” bands from Amazon, to enhance some of these exercises.

I hope this helps some of you!

What are the rest of you doing to keep up your exercise routines?

Kathy BealComment
From the gym to the runway!

One of my favorite things about our fashions is their versatility. Our kimonos add a touch of class to almost any outfit - wear them over your LBD (little black dress) or with a tank top and leggings - fabulous either way!

Here are the ladies of Embodywear Fashions - our designer Kathy Beal wearing her Terra Unfurling Ferns kimono, and our marketing guru April Hartford, wearing Aditi capris and scarf, fresh off the runway at Santa Fe Fashion Week.

If you have a photo of yourself wearing your favorite Goddess, we’d love to see it! Please send it to kathy@kathybeal.com and we’ll add you to our next blog post.

Kathy BealComment
The Goddesses - Part 3:Honoring Terra
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Terra is the Roman Primal Mother Earth Goddess. Her name, a version of Tellus, is derived from the Latin word Telluris, meaning land, territory, earth. Her themes are earth (soil), abundance, fertility, ecology. Terra is celebrated in the Temple of Tellus in the Carinae, an ancient exclusive region of Rome.  In some of the ancient stories, Terra gave birth to humans, and when our bodies are returned to the earth upon death, we are returning to her womb to be reborn.


Terra is the perfect goddess to celebrate the oncoming of Spring, as things begin to awaken from the darkness of winter and blossom.

Terra’s “Unfurling Ferns” pattern

Terra’s “Unfurling Ferns” pattern

The pattern we chose for Terra is “Unfurling Ferns”. The ferns are deeply rooted in Mother Earth and are a symbol of surrender and blossoming as they unfurl from their tight spiral, opening their fronds, rebirthing in Spring’s sunlight.


When you embody Terra, you celebrate your earthly roots and your ability to surrender unserved ways. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and bask yourself in the early Spring rays of the sun as you emerge from the darkness of winter.

Terra’s clothing line is on sale this month for 10% off - no coupon needed.

Kathy BealComment