A Picture of The designer Kathy Beal, Women's Activewear Sets, Embodywear Fashion USA

From the Designer Kathy Beal

Greetings and thank you for stopping by our store.

I'd like to tell you a little bit about my story - the story of how Embodywear Fashions came into being.

About a year ago, I got a wake up call - a bad report from my doctor that said I was three times as likely as anyone my age to die of a heart attack. Yikes! That was bad news and it came as a bit of a shock as I had always had low blood pressure and good blood test results.  But as the news sank in, I realized that I had been hiding myself, hiding behind my weight.  I could continue to go down that path - of denial, or I could make some changes.  I took up the challenge to make long lasting life style changes and fast forward to today, I've lost a lot of weight, 63 pounds so far, and am back in the healthy range for my blood pressure and lab results.

Along with shedding the weight, i became more active. I was down multiple sizes, back into "normal" sized clothing, and started looking around for some cool leggings to wear.  All i found were drab black, navy, grey, and sometimes camouflage designs.  The artist in me was not impressed! I wanted to wear colors! Black had been my color for far too long! I wanted to feel wonderful in what I was wearing. I wanted to shed drabness as I had shed my layers of weight.

So, the idea came to me - why not use my own art designs on yoga wear? And, voila! Embodywear Fashions was born.

I ordered some samples and shared them with friends. Women tried them on and didn't want to take them off!  And, finally, I ordered a pair for myself. This was a huge step for me and I'll never forget the day they arrived.  I took the package into my closet, opened it, and pulled on my very first pair of Kathy Beal designed yoga capris.  OMG! They felt amazing! I felt amazing! I ventured out of the closet and shyly modeled them for my husband - he gave me a big thumbs up and a huge hug!  I still tear up when I think about that moment - it was a dream come true for me and the moment that I knew I had to share these with other women.

My hope is that these fashions will inspire you. That you will feel amazing when you put them on. That you will spread your wings and soar like the goddess you are! Confident! Sexy! Magical! Vibrant! Divine!

With lots of love,

Kathy Beal