The Goddesses - Part 3:Honoring Terra

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Terra is the Roman Primal Mother Earth Goddess. Her name, a version of Tellus, is derived from the Latin word Telluris, meaning land, territory, earth. Her themes are earth (soil), abundance, fertility, ecology. Terra is celebrated in the Temple of Tellus in the Carinae, an ancient exclusive region of Rome.  In some of the ancient stories, Terra gave birth to humans, and when our bodies are returned to the earth upon death, we are returning to her womb to be reborn.


Terra is the perfect goddess to celebrate the oncoming of Spring, as things begin to awaken from the darkness of winter and blossom.

Terra’s “Unfurling Ferns” pattern

Terra’s “Unfurling Ferns” pattern

The pattern we chose for Terra is “Unfurling Ferns”. The ferns are deeply rooted in Mother Earth and are a symbol of surrender and blossoming as they unfurl from their tight spiral, opening their fronds, rebirthing in Spring’s sunlight.


When you embody Terra, you celebrate your earthly roots and your ability to surrender unserved ways. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and bask yourself in the early Spring rays of the sun as you emerge from the darkness of winter.

Terra’s clothing line is on sale this month for 10% off - no coupon needed.

Kathy BealComment